Purpose: Troubleshoot issues preventing Mesa 3 tablet from charging
If the Mesa tablet is not charging when plugged into a wall charger there are two possible causes for the issue:
EC Firmware: Notification which is for a battery firmware update. The update is to improve battery performance and if it is not installed after the system update will cause batteries to stop charging properly. To install the firmware use the instructions in this link: https://techsupport.aiworldwide.com/hc/en-us/articles/26947882133403--AI-KB-Mesa-3-EC-firmware-update
Charging error (7A): Go to Android Setting->About Tablet and check if there is an error under battery information.
- If the error is charging error(7A).
- Unplug the charging cable and press and hold down the power button for 20 seconds. After this the Mesa will not turn on when power button is pressed.
- Plugin the wall charger to the Mesa and press the power button.
- The Mesa will power on and if the battery information has no errors the Mesa will be able to charge to 100% battery.
- Unplug the charging cable and press and hold down the power button for 20 seconds. After this the Mesa will not turn on when power button is pressed.
- If the error is for cells unbalanced the battery has gone bad and will need to be replaced.
- A new battery can be purchased by calling 800-229-3404 and selecting option for placing a order.
- If the Mesa is under warranty support can create a RMA by calling 800-229-3404 and selecting option for support. Or filling out this form https://www.aiworldwide.com/contact-support.
- If the error is charging error(7A).
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